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A unique platform for artists and their fans.

Where artists’ one of one creative items are bought, sold, and resold.

How is Ghostnote different?

A new way of looking at how artists and fans connect and celebrate works of art.

1 of 1s

1 of 1s

Personal, memorable, and completely unique items only

Pillar 0


A proprietary and patent pending authentication scan technology

Pillar 1
Recurring commerce

Recurring commerce

A seamless sale and resale ecosystem with royalties for artists

Pillar 2

What’s in it for users?

1 of 1s


Recurring commerce


Be the supply chain

Monetize personalized items, affordable and accessible to you, and only you

Own your truth

Documentation of work, scans authenticating items, and an immutable chain of provenance

Your stuff, your money

Ongoing royalties as items are sold, and resold on Ghostnote’s secondary market

Initial buyer

First touch

Buy items that matter, direct from artists, a truly immersive experience

Truth included

Buy authenticated items from artists without need for 3rd party verification

Artist appreciation

Persistence in the artist’s flagship gallery store on Ghostnote, listening to offers

Subsequent buyers

Part of the legacy

Participate in an artist’s legacy via an ownership registry of their items

Truth maintained

Continued verification and provenance for all items along their journey

No more FOMO

Never missing out, able to make offers on already-sold (and resold) items

See the experience

Videos of Ghostnote in action from the artist and fan perspective.

Celebrate the unique

The story, experience, and personal connection an artist has with their Ghostnote items is what makes them valuable.

Origin stories

How each item came to be is unique. Reading that backstory—as told by the artist themselves—builds a stronger and more meaningful relationship with the art.

Origin stories

Unique features

These items have been around the block and around the world. Artists identify how they’ve customized their items and how the miles have been logged in the physical form.

Unique features

Curated galleries

Every artist brings their own ideas to life through their art. Ghostnote gives them a chance to curate their own galleries to share the work they want—including art in mediums their fans haven’t seen from them before.

Curated galleries

Items to buy

Check out the latest one of one offerings from Ghostnote Artists.

View items

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